Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Free to be Stalked

The internet 

Yes that wonderful magical invention that has us connected to the entire world. With one click you automatically receive millions of answers within seconds. Who would have thought that it would grow into what it is now, information on anything and everything and even anyone....

Anyone, you and me both we can be found on the internet with a little searching you might be able to find more information than you'd like to find about yourself online. 

Take Facebook for example a social website where people post their pictures, information, relationship status, location, likes dislikes etc to share with friends and pretty much the rest of the world. Employers and companies are opening Facebook pages also as it is a good way to get a company out there and market their companies. But what if you get tired of Facebook or find yourself wanting to get rid of it..Goodluck. Feel free to deactivate your Facebook while you think it over but there is no delete button. So be careful what you post on Facebook because it'll be around for a while your information is stored on their site. 

But internet users beware it is not only the information your putting out there on purposely on your social media pages but it's also the everyday information that is being captured. This is captured through a thing called cookies

"A cookie is a piece of text that a Web server can store on a user'shard disk. Cookies allow a Web site to store information on a user's machine and later retrieve it. The pieces of information are stored as name-value pairs."

Most websites you visit and put information into will store an "ID" for you such as Amazon, Ebay, and any search engine. These cookies help websites recognize you and keep track of what you've been searching for and things your interested in so website can further recommend things you might like to purchase or might direct any search query you type to things similar to previous searchers. 

So for those people out there who fear their privacy on the Internet EFF has provided their "12 ways to protect your online privacy" such that include:

  • don't be so quick to give up your personal information on websites that ask for it
  • turn on a cookie notice, your browser will alert you when a website tries to write a cookie.
  • beware of reward or prize sites
  • don't reply to spammers EVER

So although privacy may seem a far reach online, it is possible to be more careful than most to insure your web time is safer. 

Further reading :